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13 Things to Remember for 2013


Dogwalk1 650x420 13 Things to Remember for 2013I’m not big on New Years resolutions but I do like to remind myself what’s important.  I thought if I were to write myself a list for the next 12 months I might be able to focus and make even more of the year ahead.

Also, if I share it here, I might be more inclined to remember it.

13 Things to remember:

1. Life doesn’t have to be complicated.
Multitasking 650x467 13 Things to Remember for 2013Instead of taking on a whole heap of projects in one go, I’d like to focus on one thing at a time and do that one thing well.

Look for the lessons in every experience.  Attitude is the driving force.  My circumstances don’t dictate happiness, attitude does.

2. Impress myself over others.
mirror 650x645 13 Things to Remember for 2013Living within the online spaces as often as we do, It’s easy to get sucked into the ‘Like me’ mentality. I hope I do things because I want to do them and not just because of what someone may or may not think as a result of what I do.  On the whole I can be quite judgmental of my actions and think that if I can impress myself, I’ve done a good job.

3. Buy things that last.
Shopper 650x492 13 Things to Remember for 2013Remember the value of a thing can be measured more than with it’s cost.

When I make an expensive purchase this coming year I want to remember to ask myself..  “How long will this last?”

There are so many things made with love care and attention.  Objects designed to outlive their owner.  Everything else is disposable.  This unfortunately includes many of the tools I use in my job.  The cameras and mobile tech.  Perhaps one day these objects can also last a lifetime.  Why in our insanely wasteful world do we stand for built-in obsolescence in industrial design?  Why on earth design a product with a limited useful life?

I enjoy beautifully crafted and well made things, and even more so the stories connected to them.  I’m also inspired by how they are made, how they feel and the art contained within.  Yet it’s important to remember these objects are only things.  Don’t let your possessions own you.  Pass them on, share and inspire others when you no longer have a use for them.  You will still have the stories, the experience.

4. Make others feel special.
Nonna2 650x448 13 Things to Remember for 2013I can be selfish.

Yet I find making other people happy one of the most rewarding things.

I’m working on it.  (That’s my Gran in the photo. She was 88 in November.)

5. Relax.
Me inhammock 650x408 13 Things to Remember for 2013Spending a day doing nothing is OK.  I don’t meditate.  I used to.  Occasionally I find time to be alone and sit or walk and think.  Sometimes I’ll beat myself up over this inactivity, but in reality these times are important.  This silencing of the mind when all around is chaos helps me feel more inspired by the little things.  These moments reflecting help me to understand myself a little more.  (That’s me in the hammock. When I remembered it was OK to kick back and read for the day.)

6. Get good at something that’s not my job.
Ski 650x401 13 Things to Remember for 2013It’s easy when you love your work to find it all consuming.  We are made of other things though and experiences outside of our working bubble are vital if we are to have a rounded perspective on the world around us.

7. Keep a diary.
laptop 650x432 13 Things to Remember for 2013I have started to do this with the help of an app that syncs across all my devices.  It’s not only really therapeutic.  It’s helps me document and track my growth as well as learn from my mistakes.

8. Remember it’s OK to have regrets.
Landy 008 650x431 13 Things to Remember for 2013It’s better to regret what I’ve done than to regret what I didn’t do.  The mistakes I have made make me who I am.  Everyone makes mistakes.  To err is human.  To learn from these mistakes and not repeat them is what I strive to do.  I’m still learning.

9. Pay more attention to those I love.family2 650x487 13 Things to Remember for 2013It’s so easy to get wrapped up in our own little worlds and forget those that matter the most.  My family are the best adventure I have ever had.. am still having.

10. Have more adventures.UK paddeling 650x433 13 Things to Remember for 2013Adventures don’t have to involve a flight to somewhere with biting insects.  They can literally occur in your back garden.  Keep exploring.  Try something new.  Keep taking chances and stay curious and you will see adventure in everything.

11. Get fit.runners 650x467 13 Things to Remember for 2013This is the first year I have felt that life is battering my body.  I’m suddenly reminded that if I don’t keep an eye out for my health it can slip away.

12. Read more.books in window 650x496 13 Things to Remember for 2013And I don’t mean tweets.

I look at the shelves of my smartest friends and they bow under the weight of the worlds wisdom.  I know they have read them all.  You only have to talk to an passionate reader for five minutes to see that.  It’s no longer enough that I just surround myself with these people.  I want to know what they know.  They have just as many hours in the day as I do.

I have no excuse.

I have a shelf of books to read and an e-reader stuffed to capacity. It’s just a matter of remembering the words of Dr Seuss – “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”

13. Be present.Present 650x433 13 Things to Remember for 2013

Now is a really nice place.  I need to remember the mistakes I’ve made but don’t dwell on them.  I’ll continue to learn from my past to be equipped for the present and the future will form from this.

Life is passing faster than I expected but when I enjoy the moment it slows down.  Enjoy and savour every minute.

2013 is upon us. I hope you have a wonderful year.  That you remember to dream and remember your dreams.  That you take chances, make things and give inspiration..  I hope you find adventure in everything you do and that your work is as much fun as your play.

I’m @Documentally on Twitter and App.net.  The photos above are mine.

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